在线博彩 President 布伦丹·凯利 and Chief Wellness Officer Bridgette Stewart high five in front of 在线博彩's mobile unit


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消息传出去了. Wellness isn’t just a buzzword at the University of West Georgia – it’s woven into the very fabric of the institution’s DNA. In recognition of this commitment, 在线博彩 was recently named Campus of the Year 巴特勒大学 幸福研究所, a pioneering center dedicated to enhancing holistic support for health.

Dr. 布伦丹·凯利 at a press conference announcing the national recognition.
Dr. 布伦丹·凯利 at a press conference announcing the national recognition.

“的 kaleidoscope of integrative wellness initiatives we advance at the University of West Georgia – From addressing the basic needs of our students to providing timely mental health support for members of our community – is second to none in our nation,” Dr. 布伦丹·凯利, 在线博彩 总统. “Excellence is marked by achievement, and this is a truly remarkable accomplishment for our institution and the constellation of students and professionals whose daily work centers around how we can all feel better about our lives in a variety of dimensions. I am grateful for the foundations laid and connections made that led us to earn this national distinction.”

Through efforts spearheaded by Bridgette Stewart, 在线博彩’s chief wellness officer (CWO), the university has pioneered a comprehensive wellness 程序 that addresses diverse needs and promotes a culture of holistic well-being on campus and in the greater community.

Bridgette Stewart at the press conference.
Bridgette Stewart at the press conference.

Stewart said the award showcases not only the work she does as one of only five higher education CWOs in the nation but also the dedication of countless offices and departments across the university to fostering a sense of belonging, connectedness and wellness – and the work is just getting started.

“Wellness is not something that stays stagnant; there’s always more to continue to build upon for our students, 员工与社区,她解释道. “的 well-being of students is the foundation of their success. When students are not emotionally, mentally or physically well, it has a huge impact on their ability to maintain academic success. 的 work that’s being done throughout campus by so many in the wellness space is really what maintains them for the duration of their academic careers.”

Embedded in the university’s 战略计划, holistic wellness is an institution-wide commitment. Initiatives in place to carry out this pledge include:

Wolves Don't Waste student volunteers
Wolves Don't Waste student volunteers

But the efforts don’t end with the physical body. 的re are mental health resources as well, such as 在线博彩’s collaboration with 锐化的思想 通过 Center for Integrative Wellness, and even assistance through the Center for Economic Education and Financial Literacy, where students are empowered to manage their personal finances responsibly.


“Having the ability to cross over and have those dimensions work among different departments and not have them siloed out is truly how wellness is supposed to function,斯图尔特强调说. “It’s not something where the physical sits here and the mental sits here – all of these areas should be coming together. When someone talks about physical wellness, they should always talk about the other elements and how they’re impactful.”

Stewart closed with a word of gratitude and hope for the future.

“的re are so many people on campus responsible for this recognition, including senior leadership,她总结道。. “I just happen to be the person who gets to sit in the middle and bring all the individuals to the table. As we elevate in other areas, such as 一级体育, we’ll continue to elevate our work in the wellness space as well.”